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Preventive Maintenance Programs

Reduce Costly Emergency Leak Repairs And Increase The Service Life Of Your Roof System

CMC's proactive roof maintenance program, ROOFSHIELDâ„¢, is designed to increase the service life of your existing roof systems and reduce the daily aggravation associated with moisture infiltration as a result of roof failures. A roof maintenance program will reduce premature capital expenditures and relieve in-house maintenance staff of daily roofing activities. CMC's preventive maintenance program will facilitate accurate record keeping and budgeting activities.


A Proactive Roof Maintenance Program Will:


  • Identify and repair roofing problems before leaks can occur

  • Protect the building interior and operations from roof leaks and associated loss of revenue

  • Provide accurate record keeping and roof system performance evaluations

  • Ensure maintenance compliance with the Manufacturer's Warranty

  • Reduce liability exposure from accidents in the workplace as a result of wet floors from roof leaks

  • Protect the building owner's assets and increase the return on the initial roofing investment


Increase Roof Life Through Preventive Maintenance​


All roofs require periodic inspection and maintenance in order to perform as designed and to provide a long and effective service life. A vast range of potential roof leak conditions exist on every roof system, each of which presents a unique threat of moisture infiltration into the roof system and facility interior. Identifying weaknesses or potential problems early on is paramount to extending the life-cycle of your roof system.

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